Oahu, Hawaii 2017 Trip: Day 7 - Visiting Pearl Harbour, KCC Farmers Market, Waikiki Beach and trying Rainbow Drive-In

My boyfriend and I knew that we wanted to visit Pearl Harbour during our trip in Oahu. However I stalled on booking tickets through the website, therefore all the dates we were in Hawaii were sold out. However Pearl Harbour releases some tickets the day before or the other option is to go there the day of to get one of the 1,300 walk-in tickets. I had no luck getting any of the additional tickets that were released 24 hours before the day of the tour. Therefore that day, we got up early in the morning to make it to Pearl Harbour at 7:00 AM to get one of the limited walk-in tickets.

First of all if you want those tickets, make sure you actually get there at 7:00 AM. We got there at 7:00 AM and there was already a huge line forming. Also to save you some time, don't bring our purses or backpacks because the employees require you to check them in. Once we got into the harbour, we had to stand in line again to a kiosk to collect the free USS Arizona Memorial tickets. To put it into perspective how early you have to get there if you want the free walk-in tickets, we ended up getting tickets for the 2:30 PM tour. The last USS Arizona Memorial tour was at 3:00 PM. If you want to visit Pearl Harbour, I recommend booking ahead of time through the government website. There is a fee of $1.50 for each ticket if you do so. Pearl Harbour is a pretty affordable activity and has great educational purposes.

Since we had so much time before our tour, we decided to go check out the KCC Farmer's Market. This market is held at the Kapi'olani Community College on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The Tuesday market is from 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM and the Saturday market is from 7:30 AM - 11:00 AM.

If you have the time when visiting Honolulu, you should definitely check this farmers market out. There were so many vendors selling coffee, macadamia nuts, honey, fresh produce and much more. Of course you can't miss the numerous food stalls in the market. Please note that this market is cash only, so make sure to take some money out. If memory serves me correctly, there is an ATM machine inside the college.

I ended up getting some fresh mochi, giants prawns and of course getting a chicken sandwich from the famous The Pig and the Lady. My boyfriend got a hot dog and also a burger with a taro bun. He claims this burger was extremely delicious and juicy. In addition to getting food, we got a jar of honey and macadamia nuts for our families and also picked up some fruit for us to snack on.

KCC Farmer's Market

Giant Pranws!
After the farmer's market, we headed back to our Airbnb to rest. After we were ready to drive back to Pearl Harbour for our tour.

We had a great experience visiting Pearl Harbour and the USS Arizona Memorial. We learned a lot of history from the tour. If you're in Oahu, you must visit Pearl Harbour even if you're not American or Japanese like us. It's hard to explain what makes it a great experience, but hearing how many people lost their lives and how one decision affects so much in history is pretty surreal.

After our time in Pearl Harbour, we decided we wanted some beach time. Since we were in Oahu, we decided to at least check out Waikiki Beach. However I was getting hungry so we decided to have a snack. Being from Canada, my boyfriend and I both never had Popeye's Chicken. We decided to order a combo to share and was pleasantly surprised by how good the food was. We are definitely missing out here in Canada.

Waikiki Beach is the most popular and touristy beach here on the island. Finding parking was a challenge it self, but eventually we were able to. I did not go into the water but my boyfriend did. He told me the water was warm and he was able to see fish when he was swimming.

I can't say Waikiki Beach was my favourite beach spot, but it was still worth a visit.

Waikiki Beach
We had a long day, so after the beach we wanted some take out to take home with us. We stopped by the famous Rainbow's Drive-In to order dinner. I got the loco moco and my boyfriend got the shoyu chicken. In addition we picked up cheesecake and a brownie for dessert.

Loco Moco

I didn't really like the loco moco, I think it was mainly my fault because it got cold by the time I ate it. However the shoyu chicken my boyfriend ordered was quite tasty, the desserts were alright. I can't say this is was my favourite meal but it was affordable. I think we should have eaten our food on the spot in order to give a fair rating to Rainbow's Drive-In.

We of course called it a night since we woke up so early that day. Plus we were planning to get up early again the next day for our next adventure.

Our views from the balcony
Stay tuned for my next post!



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