Oahu, Hawaii 2017 Trip: Day 4 - North Shore Oahu, Waimea Bay and Exploring Haleiwa

Our first official day in the North Shore began with breakfast at Kono's. This was one of the highest rated breakfast/brunch places on Yelp in Haleiwa. Kono's is known for their breakfast bombers which consists of a tortilla wrap with eggs, potatoes, cheese and meat. In addition they are known for their Kalua pulled pork. My boyfriend ordered a bomber and I went for their biscuit slider trio, of course we both ordered iced coffees as well. I completely forgot about taking photos of our food since we were so eager to dive into our meals. The food here was affordable and really good. If you're in Haleiwa or in the North Shore area, you have to try Konos. 

During my time in the North Shore, I noticed the numerous chickens and roosters roaming in the town. I have to admit I am terrified of them. They were everywhere, including the outdoor dining tables of restaurants.

Anyways, after breakfast we decided to drive down to Waimea Bay. Please note when you're driving to the numerous beaches in the North Shore, traffic gets slow and busy. Many people come up to the North Shore as a day trip from Honolulu and I've noticed there was a lot of tourists in general in this area. In addition, traffic slows down by the beaches due pedestrians and vehicles trying to park.

After making it to Waimea Bay, we had to find parking. The parking lot by the main part of Waimea Bay was packed so we decided to drive a bit further. We decided on a quieter area of Waimea Bay which had a small parking lot that had a parking space for us.

The waves were pretty rough out here so I would not recommend swimming too far out. Please note we were here at the end of December. I'm sure if you come here during the spring and summer months, the waves would not be as rough. However we still had a blast swimming and lounging here.

After our time at Waimea Bay, we headed back to Haleiwa to grab some ice cream at Scoop of Paradise. If you're in Haleiwa, you must get ice cream here. The have so many flavours and they are very generous with their portions.

After our treat, we headed back to our Airbnb to freshen up before heading to dinner.

For dinner we decided on a place called Spaghettini which serves pizza, sandwiches and pasta. We ordered a shrimp scampi and a spaghetti with Italian sausage.

Our food was good! I can't say it's the best pasta we've ever had but it hits the spot, has good portions and is affordable. I do recommend Spaghettini if you want a quick and filling dinner.

After dinner we walked around Haleiwa, we honestly loved this town. It's a nice change of scenery from being in Honolulu which is a metropolitan city.

Stay tune for more posts about our trip! I hope these posts help some of you out there planning a trip to Oahu, Hawaii.




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